Women’s rights talk planned

The San Diego County Commission on the Status of Women and Girls is holding its inaugural Know Your Rights Symposium, a half-day event aimed at educating women about their legal rights. The Know Your Rights Symposium will feature expert speakers from legal service providers who will delve into the critical topics of employment, housing, healthcare and immigration.

The symposium will take place on March 9, 2024, from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m., at the Southeastern Live Well Center Tubman Chavez Center, 5101 Market St. in San Diego. Registration starts at 8:30 a.m. and is open to women and girls throughout San Diego County.

“As a longtime champion of women and girls, I am thrilled to see the Commission on the Status of Women and Girls spearhead the ‘Know Your Rights Symposium’ to provide women with the tools they need to navigate the legal system with confidence and self-agency,” said Chairwoman Nora Vargas of the San Diego County Board of Supervisors in a press release.

“This is exactly the work we should be doing because understanding your rights is fundamental in achieving gender equity and ensuring every woman has the opportunity to thrive.”

Anyone interested in attending the Know Your Rights Symposium is invited to register to secure a seat and request child care or translation/interpretation services. Walk-ins will be welcomed on a space-available basis.

“We are excited to provide this Know Your Rights Symposium to the women and girls of San Diego County, providing them with knowledge they need to navigate complex legal landscapes confidently,” stated Melinda Vásquez, Chair of the Commission on the Status of Women and Girls, emphasizing the importance of removing barriers that prevent women from understanding their rights. “The Commission exists as a resource for all women and girls in our county, and this symposium is just one of the many ways we are committed to serving and engaging with our community.”

This event is made possible by a Women’s Recovery Response Grant from the California Commission on the Status of Women and Girls.

With translation and interpretation services available, as well as limited childcare and refreshments provided, this no-cost symposium aims to ensure that attendees can learn about their legal rights through informative sessions and ask sensitive questions in a safe and inclusive environment. Attendees can choose to participate in the full day or drop in for specific sessions. A full agenda of sessions will be released soon.

The Know Your Rights Symposium also includes a companion educational event for currently incarcerated women at the Las Colinas Detention and Reentry Facility, which will be scheduled at a future date. The event will be tailored for women who will be released from incarceration in the six months following the date of the workshop, with priority provided to women who are elderly, and will include information on obtaining identification cards, public benefits (state and federal), subsidized housing, and transportation.

“For more information about the Know Your Rights Symposium and the San Diego County Commission on the Status of Women and Girls, please visit www.sdstatusofwomenandgirls.org/.

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