Where is the loyalty?

At the June 15, 2018 meeting of the San Diego Local Agency Formation Commission, LAFCO, Mark Robak of the Otay Water District stated he was there for consolidation.
Sempra Energy is investing in a marine terminal that will receive, store and deliver gasoline and diesel fuel at its facility a few miles south of Rosarito. A Sempra energy subsidiary has a liquefied natural gas facility at the site now.

A Rosarito desalination plant is being built that would convert 100 million gallons of seawater a day. The amount of fuel needed to do this is huge. Otay Water is committed to the desalination plant along with companies in the Cayman Island, Singapore and France.
Robak has said this project is very expensive. Perhaps he is looking to cannibalize the funds of the South Bay Irrigation District? Since transparency is central to ethical government standards could it be that the majority of Directors at the Chula Vista Water Districts are like the fox guarding the hen house. Where does the loyalty of the South Bay Irrigation District Directors and Otay Water Directors exist with, the ratepayers for water or Sempra Energy.

Jerry Thomas is a Chula Vista resident.

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