Uh oh, roller derby girls on the loose

To say that the San Diego Renegade Rollergirls have arrived might be an understatement. But they are playing a local bout on Saturday, July 31, at Skate San Diego in National City.

“We are playing our mother league from Arizona, so people are in for a fast-paced fun bout,” said Diana Sanchez, aka Lady Deevious.

The Renegade League was established in 2004 in Phoenix, Ariz. The San Diego league has been active for four years, starting in 2005. There are six other Renegade leagues nationwide .

The SD team was recently featured on a Fox 5 News segment.

The Renegade Rollergirls bring a new perspective to roller derby by offering the first no penalty, full contact, no holds barred roller derby in the country.

“There are rules but no penalties,” Lady Deevious said,

Lady Dee said the game highlights a skater’s skill and allows the audience to see some of the “outlawed” moves of the sport in action.

While primarily a flat track league, the Renegade Rollergirls’ motto is “Any surface, any time.” Games have been played on asphalt, tennis courts, concrete and even at the Fremont Street Experience in Las Vegas.

The San Diego team is comprised of women from all walks of life — from accountants to school teachers, from stay at home moms to health professionals. They sport such alter ego names as Full Service Sally, Porn Scar, Killher Flea, Retrophelia, Bitsy Bonecrusher , Cannibal Kitty and Moxie Von Rotten.

Women 18 and older with any skill level are invited to join the team.

The San Diego team schedules one bout a month.

Upcoming matches include Aug. 21 (away “royal rumble” against the So Cal Renegades), Sept. 24 (in Oregon vs. SoCal and SD Renegades), Oct. 23 (at OC Renegades) and Nov. 20 (home game against the OC Renegades).

The July 31 home game serves as a benefit fundraiser for the upcoming Susan B. Koman Walk/Run 5K Nov. 7 in Balboa Park. There will also be a raffle, food and Renegade merchandise to help raise funds for the walk/run.

Doors open at 7:30 p.m. for Saturday’s game. Tickets are $12 at the door.

Skate San Diego is located at700 E. 24th St. The facility holds an open skating session every Friday night from 7 to 10:30 p.m.

You can find the Renegade Rollergirls San Diego at www.facebook.com/rrgsd or RenegaderollergirlsSD.com. E-mail the team at sandiegorenegades@gmail.com

San Diego Renegade Rollergirls roster
La Cuete #1904
Lil-D # 5150
Lady Deevious #13
Full Service Sally #M3
Porn Scar    # X.I.V.
Killher Flea # 55
The Trooper # 6292
Retrophelia #1950
Bitsy Bonecrusher #245
Mamarazzi #77
Rachel Tensions # 669
Cannibal Kitty # Deep 6’d
Assaulter and Pepper # Push it
Moxie Von Rotten #44

Arizona Renegade Rollergirls roster
Angelethal #138
Destructo Dolly #11
Dukes of Earl #714
KC Carnage #86U
Kimmie Knockers #00
Mad As Sin #1770
T Wrexxx #16
Zero Cool #0
Gyna Dentata #13
Klinikly Insane #51/50
Lady Blaze #420
Angel Luv Assault #42

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