As the holiday season approaches, it is often a time of gratitude and inner reflection for the opportunities we have been given. It has also traditionally been a time when many show their thankfulness by helping others.
At Southwestern College (SWC), we find there is no one face or typical scenario for those in need on campus. It can be the tipping point for anyone struggling to escape an unhealthy relationship, facing the loss of employment, or coping with health issues. We understand that students cannot strive for academic success if they struggle with basic needs such as hunger, housing insecurity, or technology challenges. A 2023 HOPE survey conducted by Temple University found that two out of three SWC students reportedly have struggled with food insecurity, housing insecurity, or homelessness. Seven percent of students surveyed said they had not eaten in three or more days. We believe in providing a supportive learning environment for students through a holistic approach.
SWC Cares is a campus-wide initiative centralizing our diverse services and resources in one location. Any enrolled SWC student can seek assistance at any time. These programs help with basic needs in the following ways:
The Jag Kitchen Pantry is a safe and judgment-free zone on campus for students to access food and household items free of cost. This year from August to September, 1,271 students visited to pick up fresh produce, canned goods, personal hygiene products, or diapers. Jag Kitchenettes are also found at our higher education centers in National City, Otay Mesa and San Ysidro.
Through our Cares Closet, students can select donated clothing for interviews, events, daily wear, and seasonal wear at no cost. Closed-toed shoes, sweaters, and coats are especially needed during the winter season.
SWC Connects is a technology loner program for students who need a borrowed laptop or computer. A new grant-funded program, the Connecting Minority Communities (CMC) Technology program, assists by purchasing broadband internet access services and eligible technology equipment.
Since the beginning of this academic year, 17% of the Basic Needs Request forms were made specifically to address homelessness concerns. Our Cares team can coordinate safe and secure shelter for those facing homelessness or eviction through hotel vouchers or other affordable options. They also connect students with social services agencies for long-term housing solutions.
SWC Cares Emergency Grant provides monetary assistance for unexpected financial emergencies. The grant intends to help students overcome life’s obstacles and continue their educational journey.
We invite you to hear from the students in their own voices on November 19 at an open panel during our Hunger and Homelessness Awareness Week. The public is welcome to attend from noon to 1 p.m. at our Performing Arts Center.
Community colleges have long been the educational safety net for students of all ages. At Southwestern College, we are proud to support our students and hope you join us as they strive to attain their academic goals and improve their futures. In this season of Thanksgiving, we would invite any community partners or individuals who would like to support our campus community by donating food, clothing, or making a monetary contribution through our Foundation by visiting
Dr. Mark Sanchez is Superintendent/President of Southwestern College.