The bard’s inspiration and influence spreads among area youth

Four hundred years later, Shakespeare and his masterful plays, colorful characters and timeless themes continue to inspire and entertain audiences.

However, there are many who for various reasons including cost, transportation, or accessibility, have not been able to attend a live theater performance, much less experience Shakespeare. The Old Globe’s Globe For All helps take away these barriers and welcomes a new generation of theater-goers by presenting free professional Shakespeare to diverse, multigenerational audiences in their own communities.

Last week, in partnership with South Bay Community Services, the 2016 Globe For All tour opened at Castle Park Middle School. A cast of nine professional actors, a DJ and six production staff members performed Shakespeare’s Measure for Measure free of charge in the school’s gymnasium. The production was set in the round and scaled specifically for the school’s gymnasium to provide the audience an intimate, up-close experience and to foster a shared sense of community between performer and spectator.

“It is our core conviction that theater in general, and Shakespeare in particular, are necessary to living a full and rich life, and yet we recognize that some in our city either don’t know about the work we do or cannot enjoy regular access to it,” said Erna Finci Viterbi Artistic Director Barry Edelstein.

More than 100 students and their parents attended the production, complete with a full evening experience including a red carpet, dinner, activities and workshops for younger children who were not quite ready for live theater. For many, the evening marked their first experience with live theater and for others it was an exciting return to the art form.

“This is the first time I will see theater,” Castle Park Middle School Parent Thelma Piñon said, “It is an important experience for us.” Piñon attended the production with her seventh grade daughter and was also part of a parent committee who helped the school with decorations and set up.

Measure for Measure is one of Shakespeare’s richest plays, mixing comedy and drama in a thrilling story of love and power. In a decadent Vienna, the strict, newly appointed leader Angelo wants to rid the city of moral decay – until he falls for a young nun pleading for the life of her brother and things get complicated. Justice, hypocrisy and redemption take center stage along with a wild cast of characters in a bold staging of this timely classic.

The production began with a discussion about the play’s theme and posed questions about laws, leaders and power. Measure for Measure continues to provoke thought in people today as it did many years ago.
After the production, cast and crew remained to take photos, sign autographs and answer questions.
Theater provides more than entertainment. Studies show that seeing live theater produces positive effects that reading a play or watching a movie do not produce. Researchers say there are benefits in the form of knowledge, future cultural consumption, tolerance, historical empathy and critical thinking. Studies furthermore share that when students experience a live production, it provides an effective way to teach academic content; expose students to a broader, more diverse world; and improve the ability of students to recognize what other people are thinking or feeling.

“Globe for All has quickly grown to become one of the core programs of The Old Globe, enriching our community and galvanizing our theater as it serves our neighbors in deep and special way” said Edelstein.
Over the last two years, Globe For All has performed in military bases, homeless shelters, centers for the elderly, correctional facilities, recreation centers, libraries and schools including Chula Vista Promise Neighborhood partner schools.

“It was a very special evening,” Castle Park Middle School Principal Gina Galvez-Mallari said. “We are glad that our families were able to experience something so beautiful in our campus.”

CVPromise is coordinated by South Bay Community Services and is proud to partner with Castle Park Elementary, Castle Park Middle, Castle Park High School, Hilltop Middle and Hilltop High School to bring new opportunities and pathways of success for their students and families. For more information, please visit or call 619-422-5005.

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