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From teenybop mags to newspapers

I wasn't sure what I wanted to major in until my fourth semester at Southwestern College. I was debating whether I should major in...

Evolving with the world, journalism

If journalism is a dying industry why do I want to do this? Why now? Why at all? I have had a great career in...

Melodrama is journalism professor’s passion

Playwright, songwriter and Southwestern College journalism professor Max Branscomb wrote his first melodrama when he was 20 years old as a sophomore at San...

Protecting sources means protecting the public

During the course of its investigation into the current Gulf of Mexico oil spill, The Associated Press was given information from the then-office of...

Writer looking for her place in journalism

My life took a drastic change when I stepped foot in a newsroom August 2006. I was a student at Southwestern College and a couple...