Tag: chula vista
Former aide lodges complaint against councilman
A former aide to Chula Vista Councilman Rudy Ramirez in court documents claims the two-term representative fired her in September because she refused to...
New designs in store
Southwestern College Governing Board has approved the design for the new central plant and improvements to DeVore Stadium.
Funded by Proposition R, the central plant...
Peddling bikes on Third Avenue
A taste of Pacific Beach, Ocean Beach and Mission Beach has come to Chula Vista. Beach cruisers, tandems, bicycles for kids and a variety...
Eyes must be wide open as Chula Vista voters consider Prop....
During the last four years, the city of Chula Vista has made great progress in three areas: efficiency, streamlining and financial stewardship. Let me...
It’s Christmas in October
Not many people get the opportunity to have their home repaired for free. It was a dream come true for seven Chula Vista homeowners.
Rewarding financial mismangement with Proposition H
The San Diego County Taxpayers Association urges voters to reject Proposition H in the city of Chula Vista. Here are just a few of...
Employees will pay more, may still lose jobs
The Chula Vista City Council adopted a resolution Tuesday night approving pension reform for 91 non-union city employees who will begin contributing eight percent...
Canadian company likes Chula Vista
The city of Chula Vista is one step closer to producing advanced clean technology thanks to a $3.3 million loan from the California Energy...
Life may change for Filner
Chula Vista Democratic Congressman Bob Filner is at slight risk of losing his seat this November, but party losses elsewhere threaten his standing as...
Laser shows cops where to find alleged felon
A Chula Vista man pleaded guilty Sept. 29 to discharging a laser at a police helicopter at night, something that could blind a pilot...