Southwestern College Summer Arts Program for teens offers signups

Summer time, no school. What will teens and preteens do with their time? The Southwestern College 2015 Summer Arts Program has an entertaining answer.

During June and July, courses are offered Monday through Thursday, from 90 minutes to three hours in length, for one to two weeks. The program targets incoming seventh through 12th graders. Professional artists and professors with experience in their areas teach the courses. Students gain experience in various fields, receive professional feedback, and have an opportunity to be on a college campus. Areas of coursework include dance, cinema media arts, music, art, communication and theater.

In the area of music, musical theater repertory and voice class, orchestra, mariachi and a brass class are available. African dance is offered. A film-makers boot camp offers training in producing a short movie video. Character animation and beginning Photoshop are available. A debate workshop trains students in case construction and refutation. The field of theater offers improvisation courses and two Shakespeare acting workshops, both beginning and advanced.

My son participated in a computer-related course years ago at this summer arts program during his early school years, and now works downtown as a computer programmer.

The Southwestern College School of Arts and Communication, the sponsor of Summer Arts, has won national attention for its outstanding college programs. During the academic year of 2014-15, the Sun newspaper won its ninth national championship in 10 years, the debate team won state championship, art students had their artworks exhibited throughout the county, the concert choir performed at the Vatican, and the Mariachi Garibaldi represented the United States in Brazil.

The Summer Arts Program for middle school and high school students cost $50 to more than $100, depending on the course and length of time. For questions, call (619) 421-6700 ext. 5895 or (619) 482-6372, or search online for the Southwestern College Summer Arts Program.


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