Search for new CVESD superintendent to last until 2022

The Chula Vista Elementary School District is in the process of searching for its new superintendent. After the final appointments to the search committee, the District released the following tentative timeline.

• Oct. 5, 6, 7 – Join CVESD board trustees for community townhalls on Oct. 5, 6, and 7. Find links to the townhalls at
• Oct. 9-13 – The District will hold three ThoughtExhange workshops Oct. 9-13. Visit for more information.
• Oct. 14 -The search committee will hold its first meeting on Oct. 14, reviewing community input, then providing feedback at the Oct. 20 board meeting.
• Oct. 20-Nov. 26 – Application window for candidates and developing question for the candidates.
• Dec. 7 and 8 – Search Committee to review applicants and recommend 10 to 15 candidates to interview.
• Jan. 11-13, 2022 – Search Committee conducts interviews and selects finalists
• January 2022 – Human Resources to verify references for finalists (TBD)
• January 2022 – Special board meeting to screen and select finalists, set interview dates (TBD)
• January 2022 – Board interviews finalists in closed session (TBD)
• February 2022 – Board holds second round of interviews in closed session (TBD)
• February 2022 – Board selects top candidate, makes contingent offer and conducts background check (TBD)
• February 2022 – CVESD extends offer of employment, agrees on a start date, sends out press release (TBD)
• February/March 2022 – CVESD holds a community reception. (TBD)

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