Rico’s on Third is a household name in Chula Vista’s downtown district.
But thanks to a little media attention, the hair salon at 279 Third Ave. has been getting famous across the United States, especially for women recently diagnosed with breast cancer.
Rico’s on Third owner Ana Maria “Snooky” Rico was at the center of a new Facebook series called “Returning The Favor,” with host Mike Rowe, who is known for his work on the television series “Dirty Jobs.”
“Returning The Favor” is a show that features people in various communities throughout the United States who make a positive impact in their community. In return, the show gives back to those who pay it forward.
Rico, 59, appeared on episode five of the 10-part series that aired on Sept. 19.
The show highlighted her nonprofit Loving You Through It, a private room in a corner of Rico’s hair salon that provides complimentary services to women undergoing chemotherapy during cancer treatments.
Loving You Through It is a wig bank through the American Cancer Society, giving free wigs, head shaving, haircuts, wig trimming, makeup application and scarf tutorials.
“The whole thing started out of a need,” she said. “The need that there weren’t enough volunteers at wig banks and that there wasn’t a place for (cancer) patients to go to be comfortable and be able to keep their integrity intact.”
The room is also a place of sanctuary for women going through cancer treatment. They can openly share their struggles, their feelings and even receive comfort and advice from Rico, who beat breast cancer two years ago.
To preserve the privacy of the patients, Rico said no one other than herself and the patient is allowed in the room when it is in use. Rico said on the show that the room has served about 300 cancer patients.
Production crews for “Returning The Favor” began filming in her salon in June, and eventually surprised her with a newly remodeled Loving You Through It room. The premise of the show is to surprise their subject with a good deed by paying it forward.
“The show has been nothing but a positive effect on everything that we do,” Rico said. “It has enabled me to serve people in a greater capacity.”
Since the airing of “Returning The Favor,” she has seen business increase, even by non-cancer patients who just want to get their hair done while supporting a business that does good for the community.
“The show added something to out salon as a whole,” she said. “In regard to people that work here, we are experiencing a community that is very appreciative of what we are doing.
“Returning The Favor” also awarded Rico with $30,000. She said that money was used to pay off some debt, make business improvements and a portion went into the Loving You Through It Foundation.