Shocking changes in solar—get grandfathered…before the lights go out on your savings!
Solar rules are changing for SDG&E customers forever, and favorable rules are going away. There is still time to be grandfathered in!
The end of net metering is upon us, and we predict that it will be by the end of the year. Net metering is why solar makes sense. It is the billing arrangement for solar owners that provides full-retail credit for the energy they put on the grid. Once they are gone, we will never see these financially favorable conditions again.
SDG&E successfully lobbied to pass Assembly Bill 327, which means that once a certain amount of solar is installed net metering will be closed to new solar customers who use SDG&E.
However, you can get grandfathered in – for 20 years – if you install now.
Want to learn more? Attend the free Solar Seminar on Saturday, September 19th from 11:00-12:00pm at the Montevalle Community Center, 840 Duncan Ranch Rd, Chula Vista 91914
This educational luncheon will cover solar technology, the financial analysis of going solar, expiring incentives and upcoming rule changes. A free lunch will be served. To RSVP, please call or text Jenny 858-275-5412 or email