Roommate in week two of trial

The murder trial involving the death of a Chula Vista man who was found in a 55-gallon drum in San Diego Bay went into its second week on Tuesday.

The body of Omar Medina, 28, was found inside the floating barrel on Oct. 12, 2017, and his roommate, Timothy John Cook, 54, is charged with his murder. Also on trial for being an accessory after the fact is Derrick Jefferson Spurgeon, 40, of El Cajon.

Medina’s mother testified she had never met his roommate in the home they shared in the 500 block of McIntosh Street in Chula Vista. She said she brought him food at the house and last saw him alive on Sept. 28, 2017.

She said her son did scaffolding work with Cook’s brother. He also loved to produce music.
A jury of 10 men, two women plus five alternate jurors are hearing the trial before San Diego Superior Court Judge Carolyn Caietti. It is expected to last several more weeks.
Medina had been stabbed 66 times. Police talked with Cook, who said Medina had moved out. His clothing and other belongings were found in his car that was parked four blocks away. A blanket in the barrel was similar to another blanket in Cook’s home, said an officer.

Sgt. James Petray, of Chula Vista Police, testified he began working on the case after a missing person’s report was filed by the victim’s family. He said he knocked on neighbors’ doors, but no one knew the whereabouts of Medina.

Petray was among other officers at the search warrant of Cook’s home. An extensive remodel of the home was underway. The kitchen sink was missing, as was part of the floor. Sections of the walls in Medina’s bedroom were gone. Deputy District Attorney Cherie Somerville said it was not a coincidence and it was “an obvious clean up” of a crime scene.
The preliminary hearing for Cook and Spurgeon was held in Chula Vista Superior Court in Aug., 2018, when they were ordered to stand trial. The case was transferred to San Diego Superior Court for trial. Both men have pleaded not guilty and remain in jail.

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