Rodeos and Olympics are hallmark events for Kiwanis

HELPING HANDS: This is one in a series of stories featuring service groups and their work in their communities.

Kiwanis Club of Chula Vista

Kiwanis Club of Chula Vista has been helping children in the South Bay community since its inception in 1950.

Each year club members take low-income children on a shopping trip as part of their Shopping with Santa event. Children also benefit at the Kiwanis Bike Rodeo where they can get their bikes tuned up and receive a free bicycle helmet.

During the summer Special Olympics, the Kiwanis Club of Chula Vista feeds all the athletes and their families.

These are just a few of the many children-oriented community service projects that the Kiwanis Club of Chula Vista is involved in each year.

Tim Neller, 56, president of the Kiwanis Club of Chula Vista and a 15-year member, said improving the lives of children is the best part of being a Kiwanian.

“There’s a lot of families and children that are not doing very well,” he said. “A lot of them go without the basics – clothes and food – and it impacts their life greatly to the extent that those of us who have these things can give back to those who don’t, and it is very rewarding,” he said.

To support their events and help children, the Kiwanis Club holds several fundraising opportunities a year, including its signature Wine Tasting at Salt Creek Golf Course. In previous years, the wine tasting has brought in as little as $15,000 for the club and as  much as $35,000, Neller said.

Kiwanis Club of Chula Vista has about 30 active members with nine on the board of directors. Club members come from various sectors from education to business to city employees. Kiwanis Club of Chula Vista meets at noon every second and fourth Tuesday of the month at Sunset by the Park in Chula Vista. Members pay monthly dues of $50.

Neller said one of the club’s challenges is bringing in younger club members. He said,= for whatever reason, younger people are not interested in volunteering with service clubs.
Neller said the club is open to anyone who wants to join.

If interested in joining Kiwanis Club of Chula Vista, either show up to a meeting or email Neller at

Neller said being a Kiwanian is an opportunity to help one another.

“Giving back to the community is something everyone should be involved in in some way or another,” he said. “It’s really good for the health of the community.”

Former Chula Vista City Councilman Jerry Rindone has been a longtime member of the Kiwanis Club of Chula Vista. He said his public service in office does not match that as a Kiwanian.

“As an elected official helping, you’re helping lead your community to finish important projects,” he said. “As a Kiwanian you work to serve those who are less fortunate, especially the children.”

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