Rent increases make shelter unaffordable

Land “lords” are handing out rent raises like candy on Halloween. When will there be a “cap” put on rent raises?
Politicians and city officials are “trying” to do something about the thousands of homeless—start with the “greedy” land “lords”. They need to be held accountable for 30 to 40 percent of the homeless.
Attention politicians and city officials, —we need rent controls in South Bay (San Diego).
The working class cannot afford the ridiculously high rents. Working citizens should not have to live in their cars because they cannot afford the rent.

Beth Thomas resides in National City.

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  1. If you can not afford to live in San Diego… go somewhere else.
    We live in a supply and demand economy.
    If the landlord has vacancies, they may drop the price to get someone moved in, but have no obligation to lower rents just to make you happy.
    This is not a socialist country.
    Living in San Diego / California or where every is not a right, it’s a privilege. Low-rent people tend to trash anyways and to get pressure from you about this rubs me raw.

    • Really? What about the people who have been here all their lives and have no family anywhere think they can just up and move? It’s the people who move here for the weather that is causing a housing shortage. So landlords think they can rent out for rediclious amounts. There are too many people here. Yes something needs to be done!