Promising future in new year

The New Year brings anticipation for high school seniors. With half the school year complete, graduation is on the horizon and a flurry of traditional end-of-year events will begin to mark the occasion. For those of us who have already lived through this milestone, we know it’s not an end, but the beginning of a new journey whose foundation began in the hallways of our alma maters.

This year, Chula Vista Promise Neighborhood’s (CVPromise) third year senior cohort had the unique opportunity to hear first hand from their former fellow students now in colleges around the country. CVPromise Ambassadors have been providing campus tours for CVPromise middle, high school and community college students; representing their college at Castle Park community or school events when home and available; and sharing their college experiences through video, blog or social media posts.

The latter has been extremely helpful for quick reference, guidance and even encouragement. For example, many seniors spent the better part of their November filling out college applications. One minute video blogs from Ambassadors at UC Davis, San Diego State University and UCLA shared insight to help students and parents alike.

Ambassadors advised students to keep track of deadlines; keep copies of everything; apply to a safety school; and check emails frequently as colleges may have updates or questions. These peer-to-peer connections are important and welcomed by students.

“I believe in you guys. Just remember we’ve all be through this,” Nehemias Pedroza, 18, SDSU Ambassador encouraged. “You guys will be okay. Just do it!”

So far, CVPromise seniors have submitted 170 applications to colleges and universities in California and around the country.

Inspiration doesn’t stop with seniors; Ambassadors are helping their younger peers and community too.

“Advocates are not the only piece of the puzzle,” Academic Advocate Analicia McKee said. “Teachers, parents, fellow students and community. Together we are creating a shift in motivation. Students and families are thinking of college more and are seeing it as a real option and a real reality.”

Christian Algeria, 15, sophomore at Castle Park High School has been part of the Academic Advocate program since middle school. He said the program and hearing from former students has provided him a valuable and real experience of what can be.

Algeria said his parents never even had a chance to consider college. Both parents began working at a young age and currently each work two jobs to just make it by. So although there is very little family time, Algeria said because of CVPromise and what he has experienced, they now are beginning to talk about his future goals.

“My parents are always busy,” Algeria said. “That has made me be more independent by myself and I can look forward into my own future.”

“Even though my parents are not there for me because they have to work, I still get their support and (they) motivate me to go to college. They don’t want me to end up like them,” Algeria said. “I want to make them proud.”

Chula Vista Promise Neighborhood (CVPromise) is coordinated by South Bay Community Services and is proud to partner with Castle Park Elementary, Castle Park Middle, Castle Park High School, Hilltop Middle and Hilltop High School to bring new opportunities and pathways of success for their students and families. For more information, please visit or call (619) 422-5005.

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