Plan for parking plights on Third

Be advised: parking in downtown Chula Vista may soon be impacted. Phase 3 of the Third Avenue Streetscape Project will start in late spring.

“The city has received a $2.5 million grant from SANDAG toward the $4.7 million project that will complete improvements along Third Avenue from F to E streets,” said Anne Steinberger, spokesperson for the city of Chula Vista via email. “The enhancements planned for phase 3 on Third Avenue include calming measures for better pedestrian access, new median, new landscaping, trees, lighting, furnishings and community gateway features, and expanded bicycle parking.”

The city secured funding for all three phases; phase 1 and 2 are completed via SANDAG and additional funds for the streetscape improvements have come from the city’s Capital Improvement Program and the Third Avenue Village Association.

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