One super analysis of Trump

Sigmund Freud believed that every human being has three parts to their personality. We all have an ego, a superego, and an id.

The ego makes you the person you are with your point of view. The superego is your social consciousness which tells you what behavior is appropriate in society, and what isn’t.

The id is the unconscious mind which generally remains hidden though is seen in glimpses through dreams.

A psychoanalyst is the best judge of the id. Donald J. Trump is a singularity. He is unlike anyone else. Trump has an ego as big as all outdoors. He has no superego whatsoever. All that happens, is said, is written, or is broadcast, only matters in the way it affects him.

Fox is the network which is sympathetic to him. Therefore Fox is the source of real news. Other networks, magazines, newspapers, reporters, and all who oppose him just spew out fake news, and are enemies of the people.
Trump and his relatives are the only people who matter. Trump believes that mail-in ballots, and the United States Postal Service are unreliable. Why? Because the only thing that matters to him is wining on Nov. 3.

The likelihood is that if Biden wins there will come a time early in 2021 when Trump will have his taxes thoroughly examined by the IRS, and will be sued in court by numerous aggrieved parties representing those with personal grievances, or others suing to address any ways in which he used the authority he had to make personal profits. 2020 and 2021 will be years of huge changes.

We shall see.

Deuel Woodward resides in Chula Vista.

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