No big deal

A 15-year-old Chula Vista girl who called 9-1-1 from a closet to report a hot prowl burglary at her home on Avenida Altamira doesn’t know what all the fuss is about.

“I don’t know why the media kept calling me,” Doyin Oladipupo said. “I didn’t think it was that big of a deal. It could have happened to anyone.”

The Eastlake High School junior said she was getting ready to do her homework on the afternoon of March 20 when she suddenly heard a knock on the front door, some whistling, and the home’s security alarm system notifying her that a window had been propped open.

She said she grabbed a cordless phone and hid upstairs in her parents’ walk-in closet while calling her mom. When her mother did not answer the phone, Doyin said she called 9-1-1.

Speaking to a dispatcher, Doyin reported that an intruder had entered her home.

As Doyin crouched underneath a rack of clothes, the dispatcher had her answer questions by tapping on the phone, that way the intruders would not be able to hear her.

At one point during the break-in, a 9-1-1 recording indicates that the dispatcher heard one of the intruders saying,

“Bring the, bring the bucket over here,” as the intruders began ransacking the bedroom.

Soon after, Chula Vista police arrived on the scene and arrested 18-year-old Robin Sadik of El Cajon and two 17-year-old boys as the suspects were loading stolen items into a stolen getaway car, Police Capt. Gary Wedge said.

Wedge said the suspects face various charges including burglary and possession of stolen property.

Doyin said it was the scariest moment of her life, and that the incident left her shaken up to be home alone.

The girl’s mother said she was amazed how her daughter handled the whole ordeal.

“I didn’t know she was this strong,” Adebisi Jinado said. “If I was with her (during the invasion) I’d probably be freaking out.”

Doyin said when the events transpired she just took a cue from her favorite television shows.

“It’s all those ‘CSI’ and ‘Criminal Minds’ shows that I watch,” she said as to what led her to hide in the closet.

While hiding in the closet, Doyin said she was able to see two of the three suspects from the waist down, but the suspects didn’t see her.

Doyin said the incident is still fresh in her mind, causing her to have trouble sleeping at night.

Dr. Haim Belzer, who is in private practice, said it is possible that Doyin’s inability to sleep may be a result of intrusive recollection of traumatic events, which can cause nightmares.

Belzer said a person who suffers intrusive recollection of traumatic events will be reminded of the traumatic event by something from that event, such as entering a specific room or seeing someone who looks like the intruders.

Belzer said she could also be experiencing acute stress disorder, which could lead to post traumatic stress disorder if not treated right away.

Belzer said he would advise anyone who is experiencing acute stress disorder to get immediate help.

A strong support system and the person’s childhood upbringing could determine how long a person takes to overcome these issues, Belzer said.

Doyin said she doesn’t know the suspects, but a friend told her that he met one of the suspects at his work.

Wedge said he does not know why the alleged burglars targeted that particular home.
Jinado said she hopes this serves as a lesson learned.

“I am happy that the bad guys are off the streets,” Jinado said. “May this be a lesson learned that crime will catch up to you.”

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