Meditation as as a means to peace

Mar Cardenas, director of the First Unitarian Universalist Church in Chula Vista, said that in an effort to promote peace the church will be hosting weekly complimentary meditation classes.

“These meditation classes are the first step in the right direction,” Cardenas said. “By people taking time for themselves, they will begin to realize that we need to have peace within ourselves if we are going to have a more peaceful world.”

Luis Martell, a Meditation Initiative trained volunteer who will be leading the Wednesday classes, agreed.

He said his goal for the class is to get people to relax for a few minutes so they forget about their problems.

“I just want to see people take time off from their day to breathe and slow down,” he said.

Most recently, the Meditation Initiative led weekly meditation classes for children and women victims of domestic violence and human trafficking at South Bay Community Services.

Jeff Zlotnik, founder of the Meditation Initiative, said he and the volunteers provide their classes for free because “there should be no price for meditating.”

“We don’t ask for donations. We don’t pass donation bowls around at every class,” Zlotnick said.

For more information call (619) 947-4612. Visit the Meditation Initiative Web site at

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