Maximize outdoor areas through gardening in small spaces

A garden that sits above things—those special roof-top or balcony gardens where you are pampered by the quiet of green, but can glance out and over – can be quite lovely. In many ways, it allows you to keep an eye on life’s activities below.

Equally special, but in a different way, are tiny, enclosed secret gardens created in the small outdoor spaces of homes, apartments, condominiums and townhouses. They may only provide space for a bistro table and chair, but can be lush, verdant enclosures of green where one can sip quietly on coffee or tea.

Yes, you can garden on a balcony, on a rooftop, or in the leftover space of any residence. Plus, it can be rewarding and fulfilling. In some ways, it is easier than having a full-fledged garden. Many of the typical struggles are minimized such as weeding, pests or covering stubborn bare patches of ground.

Other things come to the forefront with small space gardening like the importance of regular watering and feeding as well as an investment in a high-quality container or trellis. Think of the money and time you are saving as compared to an extensively large garden.

What small space and backyard gardening have in common is the need to curate. Traditional gardens are rarely good examples of this important art and suffer because of it. If you want to have a successful container or vertical garden, you really need to curate a small garden and that is a good thing.

Here are some simple, small garden tips to inspire and guide you. There is no better time to start a garden than during the fall. Warm, temperate air and gentle rains (whenever it does rain) create the perfect conditions for plants to become established, so start now.

Think lush. Nothing is more pitiful than a few lonely, struggling plants left out on a sunny ledge to fend for themselves (they would most likely run away for cover if they could).

Think big. Big pots or containers, large plants, trailing plants, mounding plants and a few vertical ones can make a big impact. Do not feel limited because there is little or perhaps even no ground. Buy more pots. Remember that more is more in a small garden.

Limit your plant palette, though. Have fewer kinds of plants, but more of them. Keep them mainly green with a few jolts of color.

Invest in good soil. In small space gardening, plant roots have only a small space to wander in. Use organic potting soil and add some organic starter fertilizer. With organic, you do not have to worry about burning roots. Strongly consider investing in quality pots because they will last a lifetime and will create visual interest.

Let there be light…or at least consider the available light in your gardening area. Small space gardens tend to be at the extremes – either lots of shade or sitting directly in the scorching sun. Match your plants with your light available.
Make sure to water and feed plants in a small space garden regularly. Always water deeply and thoroughly – until water runs out the bottom of the container(s), then let the soil surface go dry to the touch. Here is a helpful tip: double feed plants in containers. Feed with a slow-release fertilizer like Osmocote and fertilize monthly with an organic liquid or granular fertilizer.

Finally, make sure to get rid of any plants that are not happy. Plant lives are shorter in confined spaces and these restricted spaces mean that certain plants need to be replaced, sometimes often. Do not feel guilty when tossing a plant. Just put it in the green recycling bin where it can continue its life cycle.

Jones is the Chief Horticulturist at Armstrong Garden Centers. Email your gardening questions to:

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