Making strides in helping community fulfill its promise

From the very beginning, Chula Vista Promise Neighborhood (CVPromise) has worked closely and together with families and residents to develop programs based on their input, feedback and needs. We know that success is not limited to classroom academics. The whole community environment plays a part. That is why an important pillar to CVPromise pipeline of services is the strengthening of community.

In just a few years, residents have worked together to build community gardens; established walking clubs and safety volunteer activities; re-launched a dormant PTA; significantly increased parent participation in their schools; and also have met with local experts and leaders to learn more about community happenings – to name just a few. This year, 22 residents will take part in the first CVPromise Resident Leadership Academy, a 10-week course to help empower and engage residents to make positive changes in their neighborhoods.

The academy will support participants in better understanding advocacy, policy development and civic engagement implementation. It began late January and will conclude in April with a graduation and community forum where participants will share their experiences and findings.

“The academy inspires community-driven leadership. Each week there is a new topic and guest speaker,” CVPromise Program Manager Jose Mireles said. “Each session is also interactive and eventually the group will choose a project of focus for their community.”

Among the diverse session topics, residents will hear from local community leaders about how community building occurs and how to stay informed through various mediums such as newspapers, city and school district websites and social media. Sessions will also focus on health and how to build sustainable food systems that promote better health and well being, economic growth, job opportunities and stewardship of environmental resource. Residents will hear from city of Chula Vista representatives to better understand infrastructure and community design. From speaker training to panel discussions with local leaders, residents will ultimately select three areas of concern and will work together to offer solutions using evidence based strategies they’ve learn through the academy.

Chula Vista resident Yumila Guizar whose son attends Harborside Elementary said the academy has helped her see her community in a different way.

“I’m very happy to be in this classes,” Guizar said. “And I know that it is going to train me to become a great leader. Not just me, but the rest of my community, so we can work together and make something new.”
Just into her third session, Guizar said she already has a new understanding and ideas of how she can better participate and help her neighborhood.

“It is giving me hope,” Guizar said. “It’s giving me a chance to see that I can do something.”
Chula Vista Promise Neighborhood (CVPromise) is coordinated by South Bay Community Services and is proud to partner with Castle Park Elementary, Castle Park Middle, Castle Park High School, Hilltop Middle and Hilltop High School to bring new opportunities and pathways of success for their students and families. For more information, please visit or call (619)422-5005.

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