I have received a number of newsletters from various organizations so I thought it might be time for another olio, that is, a multi-subject column.
The first of these is from the Bonita Business and Professional Association, which reminds us we are fast approaching Bonitafest season.
In an attractive poster they remind us that Evening in Paradise, the kick-off benefit event for Bonitafest, will be staged at the Bonita Golf Club on Aug. 27.
Since they are serving a luau buffet dinner we have to assume that it has a Hawaiian theme. Ronny Perry, the chair for the affair, and co-chair Kathleen Rocca say there are openings for donations and sponsorships.
This is an excellent way to bring one’s business to the public’s attention. Perry may be contacted at 778-5176, or one may call the BBPA office at 472-0033.
I have been to a number of these Bonitafest kickoffs in the past. They are well-staged and make for an enjoyable evening.
In addition to that, attendees will be making Bonitafest history in being part of the 39th enactment of this affair. Those of us who were around in 1972 probably never dreamed it would get this far. We will write more on this as the time approaches.
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Prior to Bonitafest we will have Taste of Bonita, which is in its 16th year. We met with the chairlady, Carol Hammond, the other day and she has given me some information about this highly popular event.
It will occur at the Chula Vista Golf Course on Monday, July 18.
More than 20 of the South Bay’s eating establishments will be there offering their specialties.
The doors will open at 5:30 p.m.
And from Don Jackson we hear that REGA, like Destry of lore, will ride again. REGA, as you might remember, is the Retired Educators Golf Association, a group of retired school teachers, principals and others who used to meet regularly each Monday at the Bonita Golf Club for breakfast and a round of golf.
Alas, age and a few other factors took their toll and the group disbanded last January. Jackson, the group’s fearless leader, tells us that the golfers will meet again at the Bonita Golf Club on Sunday, July 17, but for brunch, not golf. The brunch, which includes spouses, was a tradition with the group, being held once a year and featured the recognition of certain members even though the truth, in most cases, was stretched a bit. At least, this part of the tradition is still alive.
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I dropped by the Bonita Museum a few days ago and the director, Julie Gay, tells me the museum will be a hive of activity during the summer months.
One of our favorites, on which we will expound more thoroughly later, is the one they call, “Stitching Things Together.” This will be a collection of quilts that have been hand-stitched by members of the Chula Vista Quilters Guild. Quilting is one of those forgotten arts that has been around ever since the invention of the needle. It will be showcased at the museum in late August. We will have more on this as the time nears.
By now, I would suppose that anyone who gets his water from the Sweetwater Water Authority has received the company’s annual 2011 water quality report and calendar. As is the custom, the authority held a photographic art contest that was open to high school students in the Sweetwater Schools. The winners of the contest grace the 12 calendar pages of the brochure. According to Jim Smyth, the general manager of the authority, they received more than 100 entries from area schools. There will be an additional showing of this art work.
The photographs will be on display at the Bonita Museum starting on Aug. 2. One of the criteria for the contest was that each photograph must have a water theme. It is truly amazing what an expert photographer can do with a few drops of water. The showing must be seen to be appreciated.
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One last item in this olio of items, many years ago I erected a tall flag pole in my backyard and I frequently displayed the flag. In time the lanyard broke and became inoperable. So since I am writing this on Independence Day I will display the flag in this column.