Looking to police for answers

On Monday, April 4, I watched a friend assaulted in the parking lot of the Chula Vista Public Library Civic Center branch. Assault and battery. It happened two feet from where I was sitting. I called 911.

The police showed up three hours later. Three. Hours. Later. They spoke with me, with the victim and with the victim’s assailant, and then the culprit was told to “stay away” from the victim for 24 hours. No handcuffs, no off-to-jail, not even a citation. Just a finger-wagging. For assault and battery. And it took three hours to get that much.

I suspect that what might be going on here is, “So one homeless guy hit another homeless guy. No biggie. We’ll get to it when we get to it.”

I don’t like this. I have already contacted the mayor’s office and that of the chief of police. I want to find out what was going on here.

Kelly Dupuis resides in Chula Vista.

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