Loma Verde releases new design

On July 27, the city of Chula Vista released the new design for the refurbishment of the Loma Verde Recreation Center. The center is among the busiest recreation centers in Chula Vista and in need of several improvements.

City staff met with residents and community groups to identify, prioritize and select recreational features for the center in 2019.

Bidding for the project was awarded to JKA Jeff Katz Architecture and Eco Constructors Inc. Katz presented the schematic design for the improvements at the center.

The design is divided into three segments; this project only pertains to segments 1 and 2. The project, funded by Measure P, includes rebuilding all areas of the center apart from the swimming pool area (segment 3).

Katz said the single most requested feature for the new facility was a single entrance, which was incorporated into the design. New features include multi-use gymnasium, craft room with adjacent kiln, multi-use dance room, game room and new aquatic changing rooms designed for men, women and families.

The main entrance at the front of the building will serve as the main hub for all recreational activities.

This plan still needs to go through design development, public outreach, presentation to the Measure P COC, Parks & Recreation Commission. It will then head to presentation to the City Council. Katz said if all goes according to schedule the project can continue to pursue the funding needed for construction and preparations of construction documents by June 2021.

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