Living quotidian lives

People need a lot of faith to carry on with the process of living despite any difficulties in their path. Beliefs and eloquence unite a congregation. Architects design all the buildings, churches, bridges, highways, and devices needed to go places. Add in health care to form the main elements of society. Live and let live with all the different kinds of people in our mostly civilized world.

Chula Vista is the fifteenth largest city in California. Be thankful we don’t live in San Diego, or Los Angeles. San Diego has a lot more crime, homeless people, and traffic than residents of South Bay have. Multiple problems San Diego has to equal Los Angeles. Then go to New York CIty. The city administration and people living face problems to surmount which go far beyond L.A. How good it is to live here with no smog, a benign climate, and modest challenges to face going on with our quotidian lives.

Deuel Woodward resides in Chula Vista.

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