A few words from California District 42 administrator Ernie Lucero …
Opening Day for California District 42 Little League kicked off the 2025 spring season for all of our district’s nine leagues in the South County. Most of the leagues held their opening day ceremonies during the first two Saturdays in March.
I was able to attend three opening day celebrations and have nothing but pride and joy after witnessing these community engagements,” district administrator Ernie Lucero said.
At the various kick-off celebrations, we had a lot in store for what I believe make the best opening days in San Diego County. Special guests singing the national anthem, planes orchestrating a fly-over on cue, our local community leaders giving inspirational speeches, and our teams being introduced with the kids running around the bases all make special memorable experiences.
A special thanks and shout out go to City of Chula Vista Mayor John McCann and councilmembers Michael Inzunza and Cesar Fernandez for supporting Little League baseball. All inspired the hundreds to thousands of people who attended these special opening days in the South County.
“I appreciate all of the presidents and their board of directors from each of the nine leagues who volunteer countless hours to ensure their respective leagues run smoothly. A big thank you to the presidents and their respective boards for putting in extra time and effort to make this happen. I’m confident they will work toward making this spring season is enjoyed by everyone.
I also cannot say enough about all the volunteer managers and coaches who make it possible for our Little Leaguers to enjoy playing baseball by teaching them the rules of the game, teamwork and sportsmanship. The managers and coaches will have players of all abilities, first-time and more advanced. It takes patience, perseverance, and dedication to teach the game to kids of varying skill levels, so I really appreciate managers and coaches for their commitment to the kids and their community.
I can guarantee that players, as well as parents, will make new friends as the season runs its course. Nothing beats watching a Little League game during the week or on a Saturday and enjoying food from the snack bar. Parents do not need to travel far or pay any tournament fees to watch their kids play in their own community, close to home and in a safe environment. There is no better deal in town.
I really look forward to our District 42 T-Ball Jamboree on April 26 at Sweetwater Valley Little League. Every little league in District 42 will bring its T-Ball teams to play against another league in our District. Our T-Ball players will experience playing on a big field with announcers, mimicking a real live game. After the game we have a medal award on stage for each team with a lively and upbeat D.J. presentation. All of us at District 42 love hanging a medal on a T-Baller after their game and seeing the smile on their faces. This is a great picture opportunity for the player and his/her team. We are committed to creating these kinds of happy and memorable moments that ball players will carry with them for life.
And for the older players, playing on television at either the San Bernardino Western Region Complex or at the Little League World Series in Williamsport, PA, is, in fact, is a reachable dream. Beginning in 2009, California District 42 has sent four teams to Williamsport in Pennsylvania to play in the Little League World Series, and every year, including this one, is an opportunity to make this happen once again.
- All nine California District 42 Little Leagues recognized volunteers who have gone above and beyond with their help within their respective leagues.
- Sweetwater Valley Little League recognized one of its volunteers who donated artificial turf and installation for their tee-ball fields and batting cages. The league had their first pitch made by youngest player in the league and caught by the oldest player in the league.
- Chula Vista Mayor John McCann and city Michael Inzunza were guests at Park View Little League, and each threw out first pitches. PVLL recognized two board members/volunteers for years of service: Will Bleisch and Dennis Diaz.
Photos by John Bigornia