Ready for some light fare? OnStage Playhouse’s performance of “Bullshot Crummond” is a parody with entertaining characters and physical humor.
The play is a riff on the 1930s film comedies of Bulldog Drummond, a British hero who is never ruffled by anything in his adventures. In this play, Bullshot is approached by Rosemary, the daughter of an eccentric scientist, whose father has gone missing. The evil Otto Von Bruno, with his sidekick Lenya, has kidnapped the scientist to extract a formula to manufacture diamonds.
The play is performed in melodramatic style to good effect. Jeff Hillman delightfully plays the debonair and often clueless hero who wins out in the end. Otto, the evil villain, is performed by Joshua Kent. The quick change routine of Kent playing two roles is one of the highlights of the play. Both Astrid Pett as Miss Fenton and Katelyn Slater, as Lenya, do well in their farcical roles. Russell Clements as Character Actor Extraordinaire plays his several zany parts with ease.
Director Paul Morgavo obviously enjoyed himself in creating his version of this farce. The comic bits are fun, beginning with a video to introduce the play that imitates a 1930s black and white movie. The car chase is another clever bit.
Lisa Burgess, costume designer, developed period costumes, and is to be complimented for costumes that could be changed in the required fractions of a second. The sets of the play were well-designed by Duane McGregor.
The audience found the play to be humorous. Some of the members laughed nearly nonstop throughout the play. One told me: “The play was wonderful!”
The director notes that Alfred Hitchcock wanted to make an adventure international thriller based on Bulldog Drummond, but was not given permission by the rights holders as they felt his film would not be good enough. Instead, Hitchcock created “The Man Who Knew Too Much,” which became one of Hitchcock’s most successful films, starring Jimmy Stewart and Doris Day.
The play has its final performance on Saturday, April 20. Tickets are $25 with discounts and group rates available. Curtain time is 8p.m. Reservations: (619) 422-RSVP (7787) or www.onstageplayhouse.org.
OnStage Playhouse is located on historic Third Avenue in downtown Chula Vista, within walking distance of several breweries and restaurants for pre- and post-show dining. Parking is available on nearby streets or in City lots. The play is appropriate for general audiences.
Photo gallery: OnStage Playhouse