Letter to SWC’s Mark Sanchez

We are contacting you as parents and community members concerned about inconsistent access to the aquatics facilities at Southwestern College (SWC).

Our high school athletes rely on SWC pools to practice and compete. We inform you that the ongoing pool closures significantly impact the aquatic programs in our local high school district and community club programs. These athletes can’t be competitive if they can’t practice. If they aren’t competitive, they have little to no chance of going on to higher levels of competition, including California Interscholastic Federation (CIF), Junior Olympics, etc.

Incidents like ongoing facility closures contribute to community members’ negative perceptions of SWC and why many Sweetwater Union High School District (SUHSD) students prefer to enroll at other community colleges like Mesa, San Diego City, and Grossmont College after graduation. SUHSD students do not feel supported by SWC. They would rather drive to campuses 20 miles from home for this reason.

As taxpaying community members, we deserve access to the well-maintained and functioning facilities we funded. Please work with your facilities team to resolve these issues quickly to help improve relations within the community. SWC is losing potential students/enrollment and alienating our community because of these ongoing issues.
The devil is in the details. If you can’t keep the pools open, what confidence do we have in your ability to run the college?

Elizabeth Ballesteros
Chula Vista

Erendira Castillo
San Diego

Juan Castillo
San Diego

Juan Cortes Jr.
Chula Vista

Alex Gascon
San Diego

Brian Hill
Chula Vista

Kristie Hill
Chula Vista

Alexander Juden
Chula Vista

Christopher Kipp
Chula Vista

Stacia Kipp
Chula Vista

Diana Martinez
Chula Vista

Eduardo Mateus
Chula Vista

Vanessa Mateus
Chula Vista

Natasha Mooney
Chula Vista

Gerlie Obillo
Chula Vista

Christopher Salang
Chula Vista

Bernadette Salang
Chula Vista

Raul Salinas
Chula Vista

Ruth Salinas
Chula Vista

Lorie Santamaria
Chula Vista

Jason Soukup
Chula Vista

Kari Soukup
Chula Vista

Ann Tenney
Chula Vista

Karl Tenney
Chula Vista

Gabby Torres
Chula Vista

Gabriel Torres
Chula Vista

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