Lady Cougars edge Lady Trojans, 3-2, in all-Metro Division III CIF girls lacrosse final

San Ysidro High School’s girls lacrosse team earned a footnote in school history as the first girls sport team to win a San Diego Section championship. Courtesy photo

History or herstory? That’s debatable on which side of the gender divide one sits on.
But last Saturday’s San Diego Section Division III girls lacrosse championship game at Scripps Ranch High School was certainly notable for pairing two Metro Conference teams: Castle Park High School and San Ysidro High School.

It was a moment to be proud of for everyone who picks up a stick in South County.
For the record, San Ysidro edged Castle Park, 3-2, to unfurl the CIF championship banner.
Of note, it was the lowest-scoring game in San Diego Section CIF history.

For San Ysidro, it was a chance to make amends for last year’s runner-up finish in the division title game.

“This CIF championship was the first female CIF championship won in the San Ysidro High School sports history,” San Ysidro coach Adrian Rodriguez said. “This is truly something everyone will remember.”

“The greatest moments are always through the difficult ones. We were ranked No. 3 once again and it felt as this was our time. Winning 3-2 in this year’s CIF Division III finals from a good Castle Park Team was a great feeling. They had beaten us twice during league play, 8-6 (on April 3) and 8-5 (on April 26) — both falling short but knowing we will meet again and would win when it mattered.”

Senior attacker Amaya Moreno scored the Lady Cougars’ first goal on an eight-meter shot. Senior attacker Francine Garcia followed with another eight-meter shot for San Ysidro’s second goal. Junior midfielder Evelyn Estrada Ramirez scored San Ysidro’s third goal.

Kelly Liang and Lali Ramirez each had one goal for Castle Park while goalie Vicky Trujillo had eight saves on the day. Sophomore standout Leilani Roche won four of six draws.

“Our goalie, Adrianna Romero, had 10-plus saves — she truly was the best player of this game,” Rodriguez said. This was her first year as a goalie and the odds were against her.
She played a great game and she worked hard. She consistently trained, never complained and always put 100 percent in it.”

Castle Park High School’s girls lacrosse team reached new heights with a runner-up berth in this year’s Division III final. Courtesy photo

Defense was obviously key for the Lady Cougars as Castle Park’s Roche entered the championship game with 118 points on 103 goals and 15 assists.

The SY defense, led by junior Allyzette Sierra and sophomore Kristin Fadriquela, held Roche to no goals. Other defensive personnel included junior Paola Gonzalez, senior Brenda Diaz, senior Julianna Romo, Brianna Ortiz and freshman Rhiane Mae Fadriquela.

San Ysido finished this season with an overall 13-8 record, 4-4 in league play. The Lady Cougars finished 22-3-1 (10-0 in South Bay League) in their first trip to the Division III final last year.

“We had lost five players from last year and the girls knew this year was our year, it was our time,” Rodriguez said. “Last year’s 2023 loss in the CIF final left an ‘unfinished business’ in their mind. It wasn’t going to be easy I told them but that we can do this together.

“We coaches prepared them mentally and physically for what was coming about. We had switched over to a difficult league, had a harder schedule and a target on our back. This has been a great season. It was difficult at times, but what championship team doesn’t have its hard times? It’s the tough ones that will make you.

“This team really came together and found each other through those toughest moments, that’s what got us this CIF championship. Every single one of these players played a role in this season’s success and this is something they will remember for the rest of their lives.”

San Ysidro players cheer a goal. Courtesy photos

This was Castle Park’s first trip to a division final, though the Lady Trojans (14-10) had been planning for this day for some time under program director Chris Kryjewski.

Progress was made each season since starting up from near ground level. It was an heroic build-up.

“Our girls at CPHS played their hearts out and left all on the field,” Kryjewski said. “They are a team that is defined by a simple word: grit. They are always pushing to get better daily. There was tremendous amount of growth this season and growing to being a true lacrosse team. They incorporated this by playing as a team and not being a single player making all of the impact on the game.

“This was a very special season for our girls at Castle Park High no matter what the scoreboard said. They were one team out of the 12 percent that were still competing on the final day of lacrosse in the San Diego Section.”



Open Division:: (1) Torrey Pines (17-4) 12, (2) Coronado (15-4) 9

Division I: (1) Carlsbad (18-4) 9, (2) Del Norte (13-7) 8

Division II: (2) Fallbrook (18-4) 11, (5) Canyon Crest Academy (10-11) 8

Division III: (4) San Ysidro (17-8) 3, (1) Castle Park (14-10) 2

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