Imperfect but a good place to live

We have always had fires all over the world. A few years ago those became wildfires. The temperatures in Southern California were in the 80’s and 90’s in 2022. It was cool in Chula Vista for the first half of 2022. It is starting to get warmer in July. Canada has also had many fires. A recent change is that smoke from Canadian fires has descended into the US affecting the air quality as far south as Virginia. Every day on tv weather reports it says where there is extreme heat, tornadoes or heavy rain causing flooding in the US. All of the bad or extreme weather always happens somewhere else, not here.

Most of the people in Southern California choose to remain here. There has been bad weather, and a few mudslides affecting people right on the coast. A few have moved to other states due to higher taxes, and gas prices here. Housing costs are high. There are major problems with homeless people in San Diego, Los Angeles, and San Francisco. It is less severe here. Chula Vista also has lower crime rates than in many other cities. It may be easy to find a job, and a lower priced house in Nebraska. However not many people prefer states like Nebraska, or Wyoming with snow and a bad climate. Right here is imperfect though still often sunny, and a good place to live.

Deuel Woodward resides in Chula Vista.

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