Help needed from the DA

District Attorney Summer Stephan,
Thank you for your service to your community. By now you have been made aware of a state audit that reveals potential fraud and other possible criminal allegations by the current superintendent and other top managers of the Sweetwater Union High School District. As a resident and alumni of the Sweetwater Union High School District, I ask you to assist our community now more than ever. This is now the second time the South Bay community has been subjected to a school board and superintendent engaged in alleged fraudulent and criminal activity.

The first time our community had to deal with these types of issues, the board members and superintendent personally benefited from their actions and behaviors, but this time around it’s the students, staff and community who are being affected. Due to the ongoing alleged criminal acts by Dr. Karen Janney and past management, the students are losing services, staff are losing jobs and the community is losing resources provided by our schools. It’s shameful and they should not get away with this type of criminal behavior.

Many in our community feel that because we are a lower socioeconomic community, the District Attorney’s office will not prosecute the superintendent or others associated for their crimes, because well….it’s the South Bay. I however, have studied your career and I truly believe that regardless of economics, you will do the right thing. I ask that your office please intervene and investigate these allegations as the community feels criminal charges are warranted. We want accountability and not a slap on the wrist. We ask that you seek justice for the thousands of students affected by these potential criminal acts. Criminal acts that not only affect students now but perhaps decades to come.

Robert Moreno resides in Chula Vista.

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