Grant makes Discovery Center sabbatical possible

The Living Coast Discovery Center was awarded a $50,000 grant by Fieldstone Leadership Network San Diego, in partnership with the Clare Rose Foundation, to help build its long-term leadership capacity. Executive Director Ben Vallejos is the recipient of FLNSD’s Clare Rose Sabbatical Program, the only local sabbatical program offered exclusively to nonprofits. The nonprofit zoo/aquarium on San Diego Bay in Chula Vista is dedicated to coastal wildlife, conservation and education.

Ben Vallejos

Although sabbaticals are commonplace in the world of academia, it is quite rare for nonprofits.

This $50,000 grant from FLNSD will allow the Living Coast to build up its long-term leadership capacity through investment in professional development of its current team, while also providing Vallejos, who has been with the center for more than 20 years, a three-month sabbatical to recharge and refresh as he looks to the organization’s future.

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