Four years later we are full circle

The more things change…

Four years ago around this time the community was at the beginning of one its annual traditions.

The Bonitafest, thanks mostly to Max Branscomb and Co., was set to occur, pandemic be damned! But in a nod to the social distancing practice of the time the parade had a twist, employing an all-car motif. The Melodrama transitioned from an in-person affair to a radio broadcast, akin to the radio plays of yesteryear, long before podcasts and binge listening.

Fast forward to today, both the parade and the melodrama have resumed in person participation and this weekend the autumnal herald kicks off this weekend with the 51st Annual Bonitafest Twilight Trail Parade and Performing Arts Festival on Saturday, Sept. 21, and the Bonitafest Melodrama running from Sept. 25 through the 28. For tickets, call (619) 850-7126.

And it was also four years ago around this time we witnessed the emergence of the Halloween costumes and candy sales. Midway through September the October decor is in full display. What’s more, in some corners there is even a whiff or two of Christmas lights and decorations already on display.

Perhaps even scarier, however, is the reality that once again—thankfully—we are in the midst of another presidential election cycle.

Gratitude is expressed not because the Biden administration has been horrid, instead we are grateful because the transition from Trump to Biden was far from smooth and peaceful as the outgoing president had called for the results of the 2020 election to be ignored. Four years ago we witnessed an attempted coup and democracy as we have come to know it would have been dealt a significant blow.

This cycle’s presidential election season pits Trump against Biden’s vice president, Kamala Harris, and the stakes are as high as they were in 2020. Trump has vowed to punish those who have wronged him since his ouster.

Locally municipal, county and state races are happening alongside side school board and water district elections.

Four years ago I urged voters and would-be voters to brush up on the candidates and the issues and make an informed decision. That request still stands.

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