Feb. prelim for freed teen accused of shooting at clerk

A Chula Vista man is facing a Feb. 23 preliminary hearing on charges he took two packs of beer out of a store and allegedly fired a gunshot towards a pursuing employee.
Cristian Nokolas Olmos, 19, remains free on $120,000 bond posted after his Oct. 13 arrest by Chula Vista Police.

Olmos took an 18-pack and a 12-pack of beer without paying for them at Walgreens, a prosecutor said. An employee ran after him, and Olmos fired one shot that missed him at 1430 Eastlake Parkway.

Police arrested him after he ran into a nearby apartment complex and seized a Glock handgun which had been stolen in a residential burglary in the 1300 block of Santa Rita earlier that day.

After the 8:18 a.m. shooting, Eastlake High School and Olympic View Elementary were placed on lockdown, which was lifted about an hour later.
Olmos has pleaded not guilty to burglary, robbery and assault with a deadly weapon, according to court records. Attorneys requested the preliminary hearing to be heard Feb. 23 at a Dec. 19 hearing.

A Chula Vista Superior Court judge ordered Olmos to remain free with attendance at self-help meetings. He also has a device attached to his person that measures if any alcohol is consumed.


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