Evolving with the world, journalism

If journalism is a dying industry why do I want to do this? Why now? Why at all?

I have had a great career in escrow for more than 10 years and love that part of my life, but a career that allows me to do something I have a passion for is something that I didn’t always feel could happen for me.

Winning a journalism scholarship to attend National University was a dream come true and for me it was further affirmation I could do this.

I love writing, information and gathering facts; I like to dig and find things that are interesting and different.

When I find something interesting and different, I want to know everything about it and tell people what I know, this has always been rewarding for me. For me this is new and exciting and now seems as good a time as any to embrace something I have always wanted to do.

I do not see this as a bad time for journalism; I see it as a time to find new ways to make it work. I have always worked hard for people, helping them make their dreams come true, and now it is my turn. Journalism, like everything, is evolving and, like everything else, when things change you change with them. You roll with the tide and that is how I have always lived my life, and so choosing journalism now is perfect for me and I am loving every minute of it.

Journalism is a second career for me so, this time around, I am going to do what I love and I am looking forward to the ride.

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