Ethics complaints filed against mayoral candidate

On Jan. 11, Chula Vista resident Delia Dominguez Cervantes filed two complaints to the Chula Vista Board of Ethics against Council member Jill Galvez, stating that two of Galvez’s monthly newsletters had links that led readers to her Jill Galvez for Mayor 22 campaign website.

In the complaint, Cervantes stated that on Jan. 6, Galvez misused city resources for personal gain fostering mistrust in city government. Again, on Jan 8, Galvez sent another newsletter that also included links to her mayoral candidate page. Both newsletters came from Galvez’s official city email, according to the complaint.

“Galvez has violated the public trust in many ways. These are only two of the emails that came to me. How many more are out there? This is one of the reasons community members do not want to leave personal information such and name, contact information, or address for fear of how it may be used in the future,” Cervantes wrote. “Galvez conducted mass outreach by using city of Chula Vista acquired emails that she would not have otherwise had access to had she not been a councilmember. She acquired personal gain by inserting her personal Mayoral Candidate campaign links. All other candidates have to use campaign funds or volunteers to accomplish that level of direct outreach. Galvez harvested our emails by using the City of Chula Vista server for personal gain. None of this is ethical.”

Cervantes’ complaint stated that the Jan. 6 newsletter had a link under the subtitle of Chula Vista Mayoral Candidate Forum, and on the Jan. 8, the link for a Trash Strike Poll, both that led to her mayoral candidate campaign page asking for donations.

Galvez said that her newsletter serves a vital public service.

“My monthly newsletter serves a valuable purpose,” she said. “It allows me to communicate with the residents of Chula Vista about important developments and events that occur in our city. No public funds have ever been spent on the production or the distribution of the newsletter. I’d be happy to send my newsletter to anyone who sends me their email, “

The complaint was scheduled for review at the Feb. 16 Board of Ethics meeting, which was cancelled according to the City Clerk’s office. It will be reviewed by the Board at the upcoming March 16 meeting.


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