Esoteric Astrology as news for week June 10 – 18, 2020

Gemini – a Line of Light Beams

 We are in the time of Gemini – the most playful sign of the zodiac. Leo is playful, too, but in a different way. Gemini is like a line of light beams, butterflies in a meadow, a flock of chattering birds, an exultation of larks! Gemini shows us the duality in all things, the this and that, the here & there, the up and down, the light and the dark. Gemini flows through Mercury, the planet of communication (which Gemini excels in), and also the planet of conflict. Mercury plays with us, is often retrograde, is the coyote as well as the messenger. Mercury also points out dualities. Often with Gemini we experience the vicissitudes of life, the instabilities, the unpredictable changes and at times lack of cohesion in every day interactions. This instability, these vicissitudes have purpose. They eventually bring about the need for harmony, unity and for peace. Harmony is a Soul quality. It is also something Venus brings to us. Venus (Soul ruler of Gemini) unifies all things and people that are separated. Venus is the Angel of the Presence. 

The characteristics of Gemini are that of personality change and mutation until there is a spiritual adjustment in our lives, personally and collectively, which makes way for the steadiness of Soul direction. Venus works with the Soul to balance and harmonize us and to bring about balance and gracefulness. 

Gemini reveals the relationships between all pairs of opposites, especially between earth (matter) and heaven (spirit), personality and Soul, feminine and masculine. Venus is the agent of synthesis, blending & harmonizing these opposites. It is through the blending of male/female polarities that the human race advances. This is the romantic aspect of Gemini. 

Gemini distributes Ray 2 of Love/Wisdom into the world. Under Gemini we hear the words that “it is love that underlies all happenings in our world.”Gemini calls us to always have Goodwill. For it establishes Right Relationships which then establishes the peace we seek in our world. This is an esoteric equation. Goodwill = Right Relations = Peace in our world. It is Gemini’s keynote. 

 ARIES: Careful how you interact with others. Don’t rely only on verbal promises of prosperity and/or monetary realities maintaining their previous value. Venus retrograde changes that. Rely on research, instinct and then intuition to direct and guide you into knowing the quality of a person, event, resource, plan &/or investment. You will be called to courage. Your entire world will turn upside down. Maintain the stability of hope. Or the stability of giving everything away. 

TAURUS: Know that you make impressions on others leading them to follow your every thought, word and action. Therefore, it is important that you complete all promises, plans, agreements and agendas. You’re attempting to initiate new projects impacting humanity far into the future. Proceed forward with care. You may be the only one capable of accomplishing this. In between, you must also tend to yourself, your health and your own home.

GEMINI: You may feel anxious and needing more rest. You also may not be sleeping well – either dreaming or remaining awake. The planetary activity of Uranus in Taurus is shaking everything up, shifting and revolutionizing our realities, bringing forth all that is new. You are sensitive to energies (the etheric) and your body may be feeling this. Maintain a light diet of fresh foods, eliminate anything excess, drink more water and just choose to love more. Look to Venus and the stars for direction.

CANCER: It’s important to maintain close connections to the group(s) you identify and work with. All interactions are opportunities for contact. Seek to understand the hopes and wishes of others. However your life looks now, greater levels of community will be available to you and your family later. Maintain health by drinking more water, taking more Vitamin C and the anti-inflammatory turmeric. Make at night a Golden Milk toddy.

LEO: You may need to rearrange your work situation if there is conflict and struggle in any part of your life. This will lead to greater harmony and meet new communication needs. Perhaps your job interests, abilities and/or responsibilities have shifted. Perhaps you’re being honored for excellence. Whatever it is, look to others around you – above and below, side by side, creating a cross of gratitude for their qualities, support and goodness. As a great true Leo from the heart leader would.

VIRGO: You may be creating various lists consisting of places you would like to travel to, visit, learn about, study and even assume a new identity. Simultaneously, tend to relationships with care, reconcile accounts, complete responsibilities, and ponder upon easing any difficulties. When pondering on a subject, a question, the intuition steps forth with answers. Quietly. You may dream more at night traveling in lighted and subtle fields. Share with those you love, all that you have. 

LIBRA: Are you harboring a secret, or putting away money, or in need of something someone else has? Do you share money and resources 2ith another? Is everything clear and aboveboard? These times call you to be economically prudent, thrifty and careful, conserving money and resources purposefully for times ahead. You might teach others very soon about these things, teaching with efficiency, practicality and humor (most important).

SCORPIO: Relationship interactions and communications are most important now so listen carefully to the words and tones of others and have the intention to respond with deep listening, curiosity and interest. This creates emotional equilibrium between you and others. Being uncooperative and uninterested creates imbalance and the sense you have neglected a responsibility. Direct a focused attention toward others now. Only from you can they feel nurtured, loved and safe. 

SAGITTARIUS: Career matters assume new dimensions, co-workers need more communication, you’ll be called to explain more. Simultaneously, you want to improve your health and tend more to the necessities of life. Realizing this takes focus and a long-term outlook. You may proceed slower than usual, foregoing adventure in order to create a long-term plan of practical goals. Your greatest achievement is accepting your present life. Life as magical. 

CAPRICORN: Setting out each day’s agenda and priorities allow you to have more clarity and focus, which brings more wisdom to things both routine and the unexpected. Try not to criticize anyone or anything in words or thoughts, realizing everyone’s doing their best within different developmental stages. You are, too. New opportunities appear first as ideas and goals. Rest more so you can imagine more of what artful things you can create.

AQUARIUS: Home, family, property, community and parents become very important in the coming weeks. Tend to all of these, attempting to improve relationships with family especially while also improving the beauty and organization of your home environment. Do nothing that unsettles personal or family’s safety or security, challenge no one, and calm any tensions with exercise, prayer, vitamins, minerals and herbs. With Uranus (your ruler) in Taurus, calm and peace and Goodwill with others is most important.

PISCES: You may be asked to travel, to teach, to work and create new studies this summer. Life just set you upon a new path. The waters ahead are still uncharted. Begin planning meetings, conferences, classrooms and/or curriculum. You will definitely be communicating on a large scale, either personally or through writing, speaking, tele- or video-conferencing. You will gain new knowledge, clarity and a new sense of fulfilment. Others around you prosper. But you must make very new and difficult decisions first.

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