Esoteric Astrology as news for week January 24 – 30, 2018

Lunar Eclipse – The Past Disappears
We have a complex week coming up, preparing us for the super blue moon total lunar eclipse January 31st. Lunar eclipses mean the moon’s light/energy is hidden, something in form and matter disappears, it’s work completed. The moon represents our past, that which must be left behind so we can create the new world. This very same lunar eclipse occurred nineteen years ago. (1999 – the year Prince referred to in his party song). Where was everyone, what was occurring, what happened then with each of us? Who remembers?
During this week of preparations, we have Saturn in Capricorn (discipline), Mars entering Sagittarius (we undertake a new journey, the veils hiding the eyes of Lady Justice will continue to drop) and on the full moon day, lunar eclipse, day – Mercury enters Aquarius –reminding us we are on the cusp of the Aquarian Age with its Aquarian Laws & Principles. The focus at all full moon times (full moons are timing mechanisms) is the Sun’s light. The Sun receiving and dispensing information from one of the twelve signs, each sign and information different each month.
On January 31st, the Sun (light) of Aquarius, sign of the new culture and civilization, sign of humanity, and of humanity’s hopes, wishes and dreams., streams into the Earth and her kingdoms. The lunar eclipse informs us the past is disintegrating, moving deeper into its shadows. And that the future now depends upon our dreams, our visions and our creative imaginations. What is our personal vision? What is our collective vision? Do we have one? (263)
ARIES: You’re exploring profoundly what your right work in the world may be, what you are to do that will serve to uplift our culture and civilization and bring you to the recognition needed so that others follow. Continue your internal inquiry. There are no answers yet, not for months. They depend upon your ability to focus on the questions your heart poses.
TAURUS: New ideas, concepts, school, study, traveling, the art of archery, horseback riding or horse husbandry, publishing, and studying ancient philosophies catch your attention. Many recognize your gifts, talents and qualities. You’re called to governance and leadership. Listening is your best way of understanding what others need. Remain attentive. Philosophical answers will not be heard.
GEMINI: There is a focus on money held in common with another as well as investments and in this critical time of change and monetary reorientation it’s required to be aware of the world’s finances. The best place is for exceptional understanding of the world and our country’s economic situation. One can also become a Solari subscriber. Of all the financial advisors in the world, this one’s the best. Share this with partners and friends.
CANCER: Relationships this month will be on your mind – all types, levels of closeness, friendships and intimacies. It’s good to review how you are in relationships, if you are attentive, caring and sharing. Are you nurturing, generous and do you ask for help when needed? Add forgiveness (of self and others) to your list of daily tasks. Forgiveness liberates our heart for further love encounters.
LEO: There is a continual emphasis on your daily occupation and the environments you find yourself in. Something shifts at work, some discipline or rule or structure or timing causing a phase of fine-tuning to occur. During this time strengthen your support for others, aligning with them. This will insure your success should you suddenly be in charge of everything and everyone. Blend your Ray 1 (Will) with Ray 2 (Love/Wisdom). Come from the heart.
VIRGO: You must begin to loll about a bit, think of way to create relaxation, pleasure, fun and perhaps a bit of romance (there are many kinds). Plan each week to attend musical or film events, to stroll downtown with friends, to have lunches and dinners, little parties, tête-à-têtes, perhaps a small salon. Art is most important. Who is your favorite (artist, musician, dancer, actor)?
LIBRA: These are times of reconciliation, reunions, understanding leading to rapprochement, times of kindness, consideration, and thoughtful and perceptive realizations that each of us (including you) is a character, everyone’s doing their very best and everyone’s on their Path toward a more enlightened way of being. Is there some sort of suffering or sadness in your life at this time? We will pray with you.
SCORPIO: You’re edgy, agitated, restive, restless with somewhat anxious feelings including a wanting to go anywhere that is not here. However, there’s nowhere to go. The planets are creating a stellium (gathering) of impatience and over-sensitivity. All you can do is visit things from the past, people, events, ideas, work. It’s not easy and there are no quick answers. Who from the past needs to be contacted?
SAGITTARIUS: Read Gemini, first and investigate the Solari website. I suggest a financial investor and information on finances because two major planets (Saturn and Pluto) are influencing your money, finances and resources, seeking to transform how you’ve handled yourself in these areas. Are you generous or challenged to be generous? Do you maintain a budget and balance finances? What are your worries regarding money? Know that you always have enough.
CAPRICORN: Every once in a while, others truly notice Capricorns (the unicorn), offering compliments and praise for jobs well done, for Cap’s help, presence and nurturing. They notice the care taken with how you appear in the world. You may be asked to lead a function of a group endeavor you’re a part of. You’re the very best for this position. Radiate Goodwill to everyone and remember to recognize those who have courage. You have it.
AQUARIUS: Aquarians continue to be self-focused as they are in a stage of great self-development. An important growing stage. Eventually you will begin to look outward, onto humanity and its needs, noting humanity is suffering. This is when Aquarians begin to serve. Is it time for you – to help others, to see their needs, to offer support and resources, time and money, care and attention. Then you too become one who receives.
PISCES: It’s important to be part of a group. It’s important to not be isolated. You need a balance of being in retreat and being social. Being social is sometimes difficult. You sense the depths within others. You see how others serve and how “love underlies the happenings of the times and all events.” Love happens to be the nature of Pisces, too. You may not feel it at times, but love’s surrounding us all the time. Our heavens are made of it.

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