Esoteric Astrology as news for week December 21 – 27, 2022

Hanukkah, New Moon & Christmas – Days & Nights of Wonder

With the Sun entering Capricorn (Dec. 21, solstice), winter is here (northern latitudes). Mars (actions!) is retrograde and Mercury (communication) begins its retrograde (in Capricorn) on December 29th. In the sky soon (Christmas morning), Sirius, the star that told of the holy birth, the Christmas star more than 2000 years ago shines brightly. It says these are the “days &nights of wonder.”

The Jewish and Christian and esoteric festivals of Hanukkah and Christmas and new moon occur together this year.  Hanukkah (8-day festival of lighting the menorah) began Sunday evening (Dec. 18) at the sight of the first star and just prior to the solstice (Dec. 21). Then we have the last new moon of 2022 on December 23. Then the midnight Sun flashes forth (Dec. 25) and we have Christmas, celebrating the birth of the holy child of long ago (and the coming Reappearance in 2025). The day after Christmas we begin the 12 Days of Christmas, the journey of the Magi which ends January 6, 2023 (Epiphany). So we celebrate three festivals at once this year. When the different religious days occur simultaneously, the seeds of the Aquarian new world religion are being presented in the hearts & minds of humanity.

In the days between solstice and Christmas, there is a hushed stillness in the air. The Sun is quiet too, resting at the Tropic of Capricorn. There is a searching for respite, a place to stay by a young couple. There is no room in the inn, so a stable is found. Here the young mother gives birth. The animals looking on. In the sky a bright star shines (Sirius). Far to the East three Astrologer Magi Kings, searching the sky, note a “strange star shining forth.” The star of prophecy. Seeing the star, they begin their journey westward with gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh. We will journey with them.

Above in the sky is the constellation Virgo (Madonna with child). We listen within ourselves, an infinitude of space. There we hear the constellations, voices and harmonies of the spheres and the many angelic lords and hosts. As the Light shines forth in the heavens we hear the words, “Hark the Herald Angels Sing, Glory to the newborn King! Peace on Earth, Goodwill to All”  Goodwill to All & to Everyone Everywhere!

ARIES: It’s important to maintain moment to moment awareness of all experiences each day and of all who come into your sphere of life. If aware you will see their gifts (talents and abilities) and they will reflect your talents, too This is a great revelation. Allow yourself no expectations. Remain poised in observation to all that is around you. In this silence new values come forth, new perspectives, new realities you have been searching for.

TAURUS: Know that plans will change, feelings and emotions too. Memories will be part of the holidays this year and you have many of them. You will sense and feel special people no longer with us becoming part of your day to day. In memories, in spirit form, in prayers. Know they are still loving you, still close by. You will have new revelations about your work in the world. Perhaps art, a painting, a work of creativity. Follow the signs.

GEMINI: If not traveling then soon you should be. Travel offers perspectives that change the course of your life, shifting your present and advancing you into the future. With the retrogrades your focus turns inward. Thoughts concerning money and resources become practical. You seek new ways to communicate. Make a plan, create goals and make a commitment  to study Compassionate Communication with friends and partners. You will never be the same.

CANCER: New insights come forth about the people in your life. Before you had global ideas. But now you have come closer to your own life. You have a deeper more personal understanding about how others live their lives. This has created a change in thinking. You communicate your insights to those who care for you. Do become interested in what others think. Ask for their insights. This creates deeper connections. And then love is released. You are surprised.

LEO: Tend to your health. A health issue from the past may reoccur. If seeing a doctor, seek a homeopathic MC and/or a Functional doctor (MD) in your area or close by. Functional doctors diagnose, look at health and test differently. It’s important to have a new approach to all things. From health to work to animals to plants to co-workers. Mars and Mercury retrogrades offer revelations around desires, aspirations, communication and life concerns. Listen quietly. Information comes on little cat’s feet.

VIRGO: Notice your creative expressions increasing with more feelings of happiness and enthusiasm and then playfulness comes into the mix and you recognize these are natural gifts within each of us and something spontaneous begins to occur. You begin to understand your life experiences from birth to the present and then you understand everyone else’s, too. And everything transforms daily in front of your eyes. And then there is joy that follows.

LIBRA: The past returns for review. Nothing can stop this. Gradually a new perspective appears concerning childhood home, parents, siblings, family interactions. Childhood impressions change like a kaleidoscope of colors. With revelations your understanding increases and you step unexpectedly into a state of compassion. To anchor this shift you reorder everything in your home. And a state of wonder follows you everywhere.

SCORPIO: So many thoughts occurring during this time. You attempt to find a pattern to a puzzle of life. You realize there are things you want to say (and not say) to family and friends. You notice all around is the light of insight and a new way of doing things and you review old knowledge and see how it forms the foundation for a new philosophy of life. Soon, quietly, new skills appear.

SAGITTARIUS: Life and its magical gifts have you assessing many things – values, resources, priorities, what you have and don’t yet have, what you want and don’t want. You look too at what you considered lost (returning later in different forms). New and innovating ideas about your future work in the world. They take into consideration all your desires and aspirations, later to anchor in the world. A new land calls. You answer.

CAPRICORN: It’s good to create an “I am….” Journal. With Pluto in your sign for so long, all Capricorns have transformed, are transforming and becoming their greater selves. It’s good to see yourself in new ways, with new information being given about who you are. Write in your journal sentences beginning with “I am…” Write each day. See how you begin to unfold and express yourself differently. A new self-coordination, identity, harmony and creativity emerges as you write about yourself.

AQUARIUS: Perhaps you feel many endings or closings or approaching a curve in the road. There may be sadness or sorrow concerning something (someone) that is no longer. This will ease over time. New perceptions occur in the next days, weeks and months, offering an understanding of the past. Look back as much as you can. Cherish everything. This remembering is a gift. Soon you will be stepping forward onto another path. All that is good from the past is still with you.

PISCES: So many things change for Pisces during the retrogrades – friends, groups, hopes, wishes and dreams. You review the past year and your purpose. You discover how everyone holds a different importance in your life. There is a sense of a new world along with a new service calling, new relationships and a new form of group sharing to take place. You step more fully into inner worlds. While remaining very practical in the outer worlds. There is no confusion. Only peace.

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