Eastlake visits Marketplace

The Eastlake Little League All-Star Baseball team will be at Eastlake Village Marketplace Sept.15 from 1 p.m.to 3 p.m., meeting fans, signing autographs and celebrating their national championship.

The first 250 people to attend the event will receive a free baseball for the team to sign.

“Local residents came together to rally around this baseball team and the players’ families during their amazing journey and we thought this event would be the perfect way to thank the community for their support and thank the team for representing the spirt of Eastlake,” said Dianna Lawless of Eastlake Village Marketplace.

The team will arrive riding on a fire engine and will be greeted by the Eastlake Middle School Band and Choir. For more information log onto the special events page at www.shopeastlakemarketplace.com

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