Drunk leg breaker out of jail

A Chula Vista man has finished a 1-year jail term for driving drunk and seriously injuring a motorcyclist whose leg was broken.

Alejandro Sanchez, 21, was ordered to pay $6,800 in medical costs to the motorcyclist who was injured May 18, 2016, in a 7:45 p.m. collision at 300 Marina Parkway in Chula Vista.

Chula Vista Superior Court Judge Garry Haehnle suspended a four year, four month prison term for Sanchez, who lost his driver’s license, court records show. He was placed on five years probation and ordered to attend a DUI impact panel.

Sanchez was fined $2,187 and was ordered to pay probation costs of $1,433. He pleaded guilty to drunk driving with injury.

The male motorcycle rider was taken to a hospital and was initially in serious condition after treatment for a broken leg and lacerations. Chula Vista Police arrested Sanchez at the scene after he was suspected of driving while under the influence of alcohol. Speed was also a factor in the collision, police said.

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