Drunk driver convicted of killing man

A jury convicted a drunk driver of second-degree murder in the death of a man killed while waiting at a Chula Vista bus bench.

Nicholas Ruben Ramirez, 29, was also found guilty of gross vehicular manslaughter while intoxicated in the Dec. 4, 2016, death of William Anthony Gerling, 65. He was also convicted of hit and run with death and two other hit and run incidents.

Deputy District Attorney Cally Bright said Ramirez would face 15 years to life in prison for the murder plus eight more years for hit and run if the judge adds that to the sentence.
Chula Vista Superior Court Judge Dwayne Moring set sentencing for March 2. Ramirez remains in jail on $2 million bail.

The trial began in early December and the jury returned its verdict on Dec. 14. A number of Chula Vista police officers testified.

Ramirez had been drinking at a Chula Vista bar for several hours and his blood/alcohol level was .21, which is nearly three times the legal limit, according to testimony. He was driving a relative’s car which jumped the curb near Orange Avenue and Third Avenue at 6:46 p.m. The car struck the bench and slammed the bench against a tree.
Ramirez fled the area. Gerling’s leg was nearly severed and he suffered a skull fracture with a fracture to his spine.

A murder charge was filed because Ramirez has been convicted twice of drunk driving, both in 2009, according to court records. One officer said Ramirez described himself with the number of 5150 which means generally as a mentally disturbed person.

Ramirez and his father returned to the scene sometime later and Ramirez volunteered that he was the driver of the Mitsubishi. Ramirez failed the sobriety tests administered by officers.

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  1. So sad that a life was lost due to the irresponsible behavior of a drunk and supposedly mad man. Drunken driving laws need to be made more severe to the extent that anyone who is convicted with drunken driving should have their driving licenses barred for life.