Don’t let the opportunity pass

No one promised the program would last forever. In fact, when it was unveiled in 2022 we were told it was a three year deal.

Still, as its apparent end approaches it’s a tough farewell.

The California State Library Parks Pass is in all likelihood coming to an end this year.
If you’re one of those people that doesn’t have a library card or who doesn’t have a need for free services—like books, concerts, lectures, access to open public spaces—you’ll miss the program about as much as a billionaire misses a quarter.

But if you’re in that group of people that is just getting by financially and have little to no discretionary income for entertainment and outings, or you happen to be in the under served demographic that is among the Black, Indigenous and people of color community—as more than 60 percent of users reported they were—chances are you will feel the absence.

The state parks program made it possible for anyone in the state of California with a library card—which are free—to check out a pass that granted them admission to any of the more than 200 California state parks.

In San Diego County that includes places that are a short drive away including Anza-Borego, Border Field, Palomar, Silver Strand, Torrey Pines, and the Tijuana estuary to name a few.

Of course if you were feeling more adventurous and had the means of transportation, the pass allowed you day use access in parks all the way from Orange to Sacramento.

The three year program was made possible thanks to a state budget surplus and a one-time $9.1 million allotment. But this year’s significant deficit, more than $70 billion, makes funding the passes for all program unlikely.

While there are higher priorities for public funding—healthcare, childcare and homeless outreach services come immediately to mind—leveling access to public parks should remain high on the list of “things to do when the state has a little extra money again.”
Thankfully the California State Parks Foundation is exploring opportunities to continue funding the program but there are no guarantees.

Enjoy the free park passes while you can. While you’re at it, enjoy your library, too.

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