Demand for change

There are nine illegal marijuana stores in Chula Vista, eight of them are in the southwest. The one code enforcement officer for the entire western part of Chula Vista can’t do anything. The police don’t have staff for misdemeanors. The city Attorney’s office uses civil means which take over a year to close them down by which time they often have found a place to relocate. The city has collected adequate fines to hire a prosecutor, but they are so cash poor none of fines go to enforcement. They go to general fund expenses. On July 24 the council voted to put a tax on the ballot in June for legal marijuana. It is a general tax requiring only 50 percent approval, which means the money will go to pay general fund expenses, not entirely to regulating them, closing illegal ones, educating children to avoid marijuana, dealing with addiction problems—essentially the city wants to use this to try to balance the budget while we become the largest marijuana center in the county with very weak regulations, much weaker than San Diego and no vigorous enforcement. John McCann voted against it because “Creating the biggest narcotic drug market for recreational marijuana in the county will only reduce the quality of life for families and children and tarnish the city’s image.” The council needs to hear from you about this: Call the council and demand change: (619) 691-5044 before it is too late. emails are: Mary Salas <> Pat Aguilar <, Steve Padilla <> Mike Diaz <> John McCann <>


Theresa Acerro is a member of Southwest Chula Vista Civic Association and a Chula Vista resident.

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