DA won’t file charges against officer

A spokesman for the District Attorney’s office today said no charges would be filed against a Chula Vista police officer accused of domestic violence.

It is the policy of the District Attorney’s office not to discuss why a case is not pursued, said Communications Director Steve Walker.

Last week an El Cajon Superior Court judge extended a temporary restraining order against officer Brandon Becker.

In asking for the restraining order April 5, Becker’s wife, Laura Webb Becker, wrote that her husband had grabbed her “from behind with both hands and threw me approximately 4 feet across the room. I had scratches and a bruise on my arm as a result of this incident.”

Webb Becker said the March 11 incident occurred in the couple’s Ramona home.

The couple has been married since January.

Webb Becker told a Sheriff’s detective the couple had gotten into two arguments that turned physical in a 24 hour period.

In the first incident, Webb Becker said her husband had been accusing her of infidelity and placed her in a bear hug. When she elbowed Brandon in the jaw, he released her.

The next day the couple argued again. When she tried to leave the room Becker grabbed his wife and swung her around, Webb Becker told detectives.

Webb Becker told the court she was “deeply concerned Brandon may retaliate against me and attempt to harm me because he has been suspended from work and may lose his job.”

The restraining order requires Becker relinquish possession of firearms and stay 100 yards away from his estranged wife.

Chula Vista police said Becker had been on administrative leave but has returned to duty.

Becker’s attorney James Bishop did not return phone calls.

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