Councilman’s lawyer won’t rule out defamation suit

National City Councilman Jerry Cano has retained an attorney to defend him against an allegation he solicited campaign contributions from a store owner in exchange for his support of that owner’s attempts at obtaining an alcohol permit.

The claim stems from an Aug. 16 letter delivered by Susana Maza, owner of Gama Produce, and read during public comment at a recent city council meeting by National City Chamber of Commerce President Brian Clapper, alleging that Cano asked for a campaign contribution for his vote on an alcohol license for Gama Produce.

Maza had submitted two letters to the city attorney’s office. The second lengthier letter went into more detailed specifics of the incident.

According to the detailed account Maza said when Cano, who is in the middle of campaigning for reelection, went to pay for drinks had asked to speak with her.

Maza stated in the same letter that they both walked towards the back of the store where he told her the city council will vote against her alcohol permit.

But then, Maza wrote, “Mr. Cano stated how we was contacted by the owner Ranch Liquor House and how the owner offered him campaign contributions to his campaign and that the owner of Ranch House liquor would provide money to Jerry’s father as well,” the letter reads. “I shared with him ‘I don’t have money, but I allow all candidates to place their flyer and signs at my store.’ He also stated that Ranch Liquor House had more clout as a business and that I would not receive my liquor license because Ranch House has stronger advocacy.”

Attorney Victor Torres, who represents Cano, said the allegation is “false” because such conversation never took place. He said the false allegation could potentially lead to a defamation lawsuit against the National City Chamber of Commerce and Maza.

“I think it would be improper and unethical to move forward with a defamation lawsuit at this moment because we are still investigating [the case], Torres said. “We certainly haven’t put it to rest. We’re still evaluating it. We are not here to just file lawsuits that do don’t have merits.”

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