Contained art may fill empty lot

Amidst downtown Chula Vista’s revitalization with craft breweries, and a new art and coffee shop, the city of Chula Vista has plans for a 6,000 square-foot arts space on Third Avenue.

The lot adjacent to the old Vogue Theater on Third Avenue has been vacant for several years, but now there is a plan in the works to bring about three movable repurposed shipping containers so they can be used as art space.

“The vision would be that the arts space would fill an existing gap in providing arts and culture space,” said Lynnette Tessitore, Chula Vista Cultural Arts Manager. “The programming concept would be that it would be available for free or a very low cost art space for the entire community.”

Currently, the plans are in the conceptual phase as works with community partners in leveraging donations and applying for grants. Tessitore said she does not yet know how much money needs to be secured for the arts venue but she said the city has committed to giving an in-kind donation. Tessitore said monies from the general fund will no be used for this project.

“It’s not a formal project as of yet but it’s definitely something the city is committed to bringing on to Third Avenue,” Tessitore said. “We’d like to bring the arts on to Third to support everything going on, on Third Avenue.”

The plans are for the space to be innovative and cross disciplinary. Tessitore said the space could be used for art installation, dance performances, video production, lectures, and even used for art forums.

Tessitore said one of the shipping containers will be used as a stage for music and art performances. She also said the city will work with various community groups to paint and repurpose the shipping containers, which can also be stacked.

The shipping containers are typically discarded after being used but Tessitore said this is a way to recycle them and reuse them for arts.  Students from High Tech High School in east Chula Vista will assist with the development of the art space.

Tessitore said art could be a tool for economic development.

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