Compost classes at the Nature Center

The Chula Vista Nature Center is hosting two different composting programs for individuals who want to learn more and get started on their own compost.

“The goal is to get Chula Vista homeowners to reduce the amount of organic waste that goes into the landfills,” said

Mark Valen, 26, horticulturalist at the Nature Center. The first program is the composting workshop where people can find out why greens and browns are as good as gold.

“When it comes to compost we say you need to mix the greens and browns, green is everything that is still moist and brown is everything that is dry,” said Valen. “That’s the number one secret of backyard composting, in the end you get healthy rich soil that is sometimes referred to as black gold.”

The compost workshop is held every Sunday from 1 to 2 p.m. and is free for members and free with paid admission to the Nature Center.

The second program is the master composter, a six-week training course about building and maintaining a pile, soil ecology and composting with worms.

“This program is for people who want to do it on a big scale; it tends to be for folks who want to take their composting further and start teaching other people,” said Valen.

The free program is held Thursday evenings from 6 to 8:30 p.m. and those interested must call in to get their name on the list.

The Chula Vista Nature Center is located at 1000 Gunpowder Point and individuals can call (619) 409-5912 or email to sign up for the master composter program.

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