Climb of your life

Most 8-year-olds spend the days following their birthday playing a new video game they received as a present or go shopping to spend those gift cards.

But not Dane Von Guenthner. Days after his 8th birthday, Dane was busy hiking 17 miles in the July heat on a family vacation to climb Half Dome at Yosemite National Park with his father, Chula Vista firefighter Tyson Von Guenthner.

Half Dome is a granite dome on the eastern end of Yosemite.

Von Guenthner climbed Half Dome himself as a young adult so his son Dane wanted to follow in his father’s footsteps at a much younger age.

“He [Dane’s Dad] showed me pictures and I just wanted to do it, because I knew it would be hard and a challenge,” Dane said.

Von Guenthner said it was quite a feat for his son to hike and make it up Half Dome, because most people start climbing to the top and quit once they see how steep and long it is to get there.

For safety, Von Guenthner created a firefighter type harness with webbing for Dane as he climbed half dome. Dane also did the cables to reach the summit in under five and a half hours.

“Dane was quite the inspiration for a lot of adults on the trail,” Von Guenthner said.

Dane said climbing the steep  trail to get to half dome was the most challenging part. It was also a challenge to stay hydrated as he packed just the right amount of water for a 95 degree day.

“At one point I almost thought I wouldn’t make it,” Dane said. “Like almost half-way on the hike because it was super steep than it started to get more flat.”

Dane did not go through any specified training to prepare for Half Dome. He just actively goes hiking at local trails and remains active playing sports.

At the age of 8-years-old, Dane admits climbing half-dome is the most dangerous thing he’s ever done in his young life.

“It was pretty hard,” he said. “But I don’t give up.”

Dane said his favorite part about Half Dome is reaching the top and capturing the view of the water falls and everything else below.

Von Guenthner said he put no pressure on his son to climb Half Dome, but the fact that he made it all the way brought joy to Von Guenthner.

“It is a moment to be proud of,” he said.

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