Chula Vista man suspected of molestation

 The Chula Vista Police Department received a Child Protective Services referral indicating that a 16-year-old male disclosed he had been molested by his soccer coach last year.

Detectives interviewed the juvenile and found he had been molested several times during a six-month period. The suspect was identified as Luiz Roberto Raymundo, a transient living in his motor home behind 684 Anita Street in Chula Vista.

 The victim told police he participated in group training sessions from Raymundo, 61, three days a week. Raymundo told the victim he had connections and that with additional private lessons, could prepare him for a professional soccer career in Brazil.

Raymundo convinced the victim to spend the night with him in his motor home on Friday nights and the molestations began.

Raymundo was arrested April 12 at his residence and a search warrant was served, according to police. Based on evidence found, as well as information provided by the victim, police believe other juveniles may have also been victimized.

According to police, Raymundo has given soccer lessons to juveniles at various locations throughout the South Bay for several years, including Larson Field in San Diego and on the sand at Imperial Beach.

Raymundo was arraigned April 14 and is currently in custody at County Jail. His bail was set at $500,000 and he was given an immigration detention order.

The police department is seeking the public’s assistance to locate other potential victims or witnesses. If you have any information one the Raymundo, contact Detective Jeff Hobson at (619) 691-5182.

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